Theater Fun!

Many parents share a similar set of concerns for their kids as they navigate their school years. Will they fit in? Can they overcome shyness and nerves? How will they adapt to a new environment? And ultimately, will they succeed or fail?

At times, it may seem an overwhelming set of challenges to address. But the potential solution may lie in an unexpected place … theater class.

By enrolling in theater courses, clubs, or camps, students can expect to gain vital skills and knowledge that will serve them in school and throughout their lives …

¥ Self confidence
¥ Public speaking
¥ Team work with diverse groups
¥ Improvisation (quickly adapting to new situations)
¥ Discipline

Still, some parents remain concerned that drama courses/clubs will harm their child’s academic progress. Not so, says Kimberly Haynes of, “a UCLA study concluded that students involved in the arts tend to have higher academic performance and better standardized test scores – nearly 100 points better on the SAT, according to a separate study by The College Board.”

In addition to increasing their potential for academic success, theater students are also more likely to enjoy their overall school experience and HAVE FUN along the way!

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